hoodie blog

where hendrik occasionally drops some articles

Illuminati Naubino

Gilbert is working like a mad man on naubino at the moment. This time the plan is to build it with Kivy. I unfortunately have not had the time to get started helping him, yet. But a few minutes ago I created a little doodle of what could ( perhaps ) event…

Link Redirection – seriously?

Link shorteners are the death of the web. And here is another reason why! I just received a t.co link from a friend who probably didn’t know better. I, curious as I am checked out the redirection target before I clicked: [17:43:31] <-----> btw das f…

Githubs SSH Key audit

Github just greeted me with: ERROR: Hi hoodie, it's GitHub. We're doing an SSH key audit. Please visit https://github.com/settings/ssh/audit/679304 to approve this key so we know it's safe. It’s nice that they took that hack seriously.

About Gnome again

Linux Mint 12 just came out and I had to give it a try the other day. Very nice piece work. There have been quite a few interesting changes the Mint Contributers made to their Distro. So I am not at all surprised about Mints steady rise in popularity. The…

Android Fridge

Momentan habe ich jetzt mit meinem Kommilitonen Felix ein Projekt für “App development for ubiquitous systems” am Start das einem helfen soll herauszufinden, was man mit dem momentanen Inhalt seines Kühlschranks alles anfangen kann. Das ganze …